Commercial Vehicle Insurance
Providing Everything You Need

Business Vehicle Insurance
Covers loss or damage to your business vehicles, so you can keep moving.
Get in touch now with a Business Insurance Specialist on 09 360 5555 or 0273 000666.
Uber Insurance
Taxi Insurance
Whether you are a tradesman, a full-time taxi driver or boosting your income as a part-time Uber, Commercial Vehicle Insurance has you covered.
This policy is a one stop shop for commercial use, from the basics such as accidental physical damage, to the worst-case scenario: covering defence costs in the event an authorized driver is charged with dangerous driving.
Get in touch now with a Business Insurance Specialist on 09 360 5555 or 0273 000666.

Commercial Truck Insurance
Fleet Insurance
Comprehensive Cover
Our most popular level of cover for Commercial Motor fleet insurance.
We will cover you if one of your vehicles is stolen or accidentally damaged. You can insure each of your fleet vehicles up to a Sum Insured that you choose. If one of your vehicles is stolen, we will cover reasonable costs to hire a replacement so you can keep your business on the road until your vehicle is recovered or we have settled your claim. We will also provide cover for your goods in transit and your load recovery.
We will cover the cost of replacing locks and keys, and replacing your vehicle’s sign-writing.
Commercial fleet liability cover
We will protect you for your legal liability to third parties for all three levels of our cover.
Includes cover for your legal liability for defence costs and damages if you accidentally damage someone else’s property.
We also cover reparations you might need to pay if you accidentally injure another person.
Get in touch now with a Business Insurance Specialist on 09 360 5555 or 0273 000666.